Directed by: collective ESRA Brittany
Microfilm (anim) (4:41)
"Twit-Twit" is a short animation film about Charly, a poor but cheerful, robot Banjo player, and Radin, a no-good, greedy robot toll-keeper in the middle of the desert. The battle of wits between these tin-men will keep you entertained till the end of the film. The film was directed by 5 students of the ESRA Brittany, a film school in France.
Directed by: Matteo Cazzaniga
Microfilm (1:42)
“Harmony of Power” is a short film aiming to represent a concentration of power, energy and harmony through two different ways, so different yet so similar: the vigor of the noble art and purity of dance. A perfect balance between opposites that, in different ways, become a manifestation of strength.
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